Today the 2009 Pulitzer PrizeWinners were announced. It is also the 10th Anniversary of Columbine. Columbine is a one word title for an event that happened in the US on this date in 1999. It is also Hitler's Birthday.
I remember being totally totally consumed with any information on Columbine. At the time I lived on Oregon Street. I read and listened to anything about this topic. Enough to voice my opinion to my elected representatives and Trent Lott. I wrote to them about my opinion on our country's gun control laws. Although I was remember being impressed they responded (and I kept their letters) they in no way changed my view. I still have the same opinion ... and happily they no longer are employed federal employees. But seriously, I think it is important to change with the times and not be a one issue person. I also appreciate that we live in a country where you are allowed to say what you think and I think it makes our government better.
Well, today on
NPR Talk of the Nation I heard an interesting segment where
Neal Conan interviewed Dave Cullen, a Columbine news reporter who just wrote a book on the lessons of Columbine. Cullen was critical of himself and the press in general . Particularly on the reporting the story too quickly. Lots of mistakes were made with Columbine and more interestingly important lessons learned were explained.
Ok so the Pulizter Prizes awarded this morning were:
1. Public Service Las Vegas Sun (Alexandra Berzon)
2. Breaking New Reporting *Staff of the New York Times (
they were great in 2008!)
3. Investigative Reporting *David Blarstow of NYT
4. Explanatory Reporting Bettina Boxall and Julie Cart @ LA Times
5. Local Reporting Detroit Free Press Staff notably Jim Schaefer & M.L. Elrick
East Vally Tribune Ryan Gabrielson & Paul Giblin
6. National Reporting St. Petersburg Times
7. International Reporting * Staff of the NYT
8. Feature Writing Lane DeGregory of SPT
9. Commentary *** Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post (
love him!)
10. Criticism Holland Cotter of the NYT
11. Editorial Writing Steve Breen of the San Diego Union - Tribune
12. Breaking News Photography Patrick Farrell of the Miami Herald
13. Feature Photography Damon Winter of the NYT
14. Fiction
Olive Kitterage by Elizabeth Stout
15. Drama
Ruined by Lynn Nottage
16. History *
The Hemingses of Monticello by Annette Gordon-Reed
17. Biography (or auto) *
American Lion: Andrew Jackson by Jon Meacham
Diane Rehm had 2 shows on the above 2 books that were excellent.
18. Poetry
The Shadow of Sirius by W. S. Merwin
19. Music
Double Sextet by Stve Reich
A recap of today in history and memory.