We were fortunate that the humidity was considerably lower last night.
In my opinion this is the best movie of this year's series. The other 2 are: American Graffiti (1973) on Thursday July 22 and Wait Until Dark (1967) on Friday August 13th.
After dinner we walked up to Celestial so I could pull money from the 5/3 atm to buy raffle tickets at the movie. While there we saw that the adjacent Rookwood's deck construction has progressed nicely.

The design looks contemporary but still reflective of the history of this building.
This next picture is probably 5-6 years old. Anyhow the kid in the yellow shirt, Jack F. was last night's raffle announcer. When he called my winning Playhouse tickets I guess I concealed my excitement too much as Jack announced I should show a little more enthusiam as I walked to the stage to get the tickets. The other raffle prizes were Reds tickets (we have 20 game pkg), fishing lessons (I don't even know anyone to give this too) or a big screen tv (same as the fishing lessons).

The architectural firm is the same company as the architect who designed "Casablanca", the house adjacent to our garden. There is some rich history about that house too but I don't think it is appropriate for a public blog, even an unknown one.
From Celestial St we walked the 4 blocks down Ida Street to Seasongood Pavillion where the movies are shown. This next picture of movie night @ Seasongood is from last year as I did not take many pictures this year.
First thing we did when we arrived was purchase raffle tickets and pool passes. I bought 16 raffle tickets for $20 (and I was a winner!) and John bought our $10 each pool passes.
A little history about the pool: Mt Adams pool is managed by the Cincinnati Recreation Commission. The CRC like every division of the City of Cincinnati is feeling the pinch of budget cuts. Specifically CRC is under pressure to close pools and rec centers. In the last several years the Mt. Adams Moms have taken an active and so far successful role to organize our neighborhood in efforts to save the pool. In fact the Mt Adams Civic Association is trying to raise funds to re-model the pool house to use it as a community center.

The last time I went to the Mt Adams pool was July 17,1999. I remember because it was the day JFK Jr. died. I heard this news at the pool when I took visiting nieces and nephews there. By the way I also remember these nieces and nephew were unimpressed with the shallow pool but they were also not toddlers.
Although we have bought pool passes for the last 6 years we have never used itin that time. We fully expect that to change next summer. Along those lines here are a couple of pictures from the CRC's pamphlet which features Asian kids on the cover and index.