Picture of the fence off Mall looking toward the Washington Monument. The lawn is being restored and although this picture doesn't really show the need for repair it is bad in areas.
Next picture is of the Eisenhower Old Executive Office which is on the West side of the White House. Built between 1871 and 1888, French Second Empire, inspired by the Louvre in Paris (and much criticized for that when it was built).
Many government offices are located here, including the Vice President's.

The Hays-Adams Hotel where the Obamas are staying until Inauguration Day. From this picture you can not see the security so much but it was extensive. This building (Itanlian Renaissance) was originally 2 adjacent homes built by Henry Hobson Richardson in 1885. The original homes belonged to John Hay (author) and Henry Adams (historian).
Museum exhibiting a Richard Avedon "Portraits of Power" Show.
The Oceans Exhibit in the Natural History Museum.
Love the Oceans Exhibit in this museum.
The beautiful artium of the Natural History Museum. My photos are really out of focus but I included them because I really love this building. I, of course, visited all the museum shops and was happy to see we buy from several of the same resources including one local Cincinnati author.
The Butterfly display at the Natural History Museum.
The next picture is of some interesting homes on Conneticut Avenue on my way to the Zoo.
The Chinese Embassy ... I did not think it was too attractive.
A statue on the street as I got closer to the Zoo.
Typical zoo animals not doing much mid morning. When I worked at our Zoo we (employees) always felt we saw the animals at their best (ie. most active) which was really early or late as opposed to general public hours.

Unfortunately my camera battery died before I got to the National Gallery and the American History Museum. But since spouse gave me a flip video for Christmas I had backup and got some video at the American History Museum which I will put on a separate post.
Next picture is of the Washington National Catedral (it's official name is Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul). I found it interesting that this church was financed entirely by donations and constructed of Indiana limestone. It is the 6th largest cathedral in the world, Gothic in style, welcomes all faiths and conducts Episcopal services. Many presidents funeral services have been held here.

I walked through Georgetown (picture of blue house). There is no Metrorail stop in Georgetown (apparently this was on purpose as residents did not want to be easily accessible to metro riders) so closest stop is Foggy Bottom. I saw Grace Church and many interesting homes, but unfortunately not the one Jackie O lived in before moving to NYC.

DC Zoo has a lot of construction going on currently as they are building a big elephant expansion. I'm thinking (based on what I know about the Cincinnati Zoo) this expansion is for breeding purposes, not to mention the popularity of this animal.
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