A few more agencies are now verifying that the CCAA is matching. One agency thinks they will get beyond March 3rd, but won’t go so far as to say how far that might be. And I can’t tell if this is them just guessing, or if they have been given some reason to believe this. And that is it. it’s like a ghost town. Instead of rumors there is just tumbleweed rolling and bouncing along. Posted in Rumors - Next Referrals 27 Comments »AND here is RQ's most recent post which broadly explains her rating system. This entry is titled R3 for March 6th
February 27th, 2009 We have three agencies confirming the cut off is March 6th. We have another agency telling their 3/7 people that they are not in this batch. There are also some conflicting rumors, so at this point it’s an R3. I hope to be able to take it to an R4 later today. (The conflicting rumors aren’t very cohesive, everything from a cut off of the 3rd to the 8th, but they don’t come from multiple sources like the 6th rumor does.) I agree with everyone yesterday who said that a backlog of only 12,000 doesn’t sound right. I’ll do the math on it later.
This update is required coincidentally just as both spouse and I have more work projects than usual, our primary care physician has surgery scheduled in March and we need a physical for the I171H, our homestudy agency is going out of business (the economy) and we need a update homestudy interview and we are traveling half of March. Additionally as of March 1 we still have not organized and thus mailed our tax paperwork to our accountant. But the good news is the pet nanny and house sitter are all lined up for while we are traveling to New Orleans and Florida.
Anyhow the I171H is the US governments document of pre-approval for the adoption of a foreign born baby. This document will also give her American citizenship the day she arrives in the US. Oh, and another thing we have to do is get re-fingerprinted as our last set expired 12-13-08. There are no penalties for letting your fingerprints expire. Since biometrics fingerprints cost $80 each you don't want to do them too early and thus risk expiration.
All this paper chasing was made more fun by getting conflicting direction from our 2 agencies (homestudy & international). Two Friday's ago I caused us (but mostly me) to "chase our tails" for half a day. I was told we needed to get all our addresses from where we have lived since the age of 18 for child abuse background checks requests. This was easy for me as I lived with my parents and at the Alpha Chi house which has a really easy to remember address ... 1000 N. Jordan in Indiana and relatively few addresses in Ohio. Completely different scenario for spouse who has moved a lot. About once a year for a decade. So it took a little more digging, specifically a half a day. I was surprised that I was able to get all this info online. Turns out this little exercise was unnecessary.
Because of all this I needed to take some adoption related paperwork to work last week. The picture below is my desk @ conservatory and my very cute file folder with adoption paperwork. This file tote was a Valentine's gift from sp
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