Well both of these purchases fit in Audrey's hat box where I have all the clothes I have purchased for her. This box is pretty full now. We have tried to buy as little as possible prior to our referral, mostly because of superstitious reasons. By we I actually just mean me since I don't think John has bought her anything yet. Anyhow, the hat box was my grandmother's. I have 6 of grandmother's hat boxes (and 4 hats) and I use the other 5 to store my own clothes. My grandmother was such a lady. She had 13 grandchildren and we all adored her. She loved to dress to the nines and despite the fact she was legally blind she worked (own a real estate company) up until she died at the age of 89 in 2004.

Next to the hat box are the books I've bought for Audrey so far. Book purchases are a different story. When I see one I like I buy it. Since this is a category I buy for the conservatory gift shop most of her books came from Krohn. Right now I'm up to 37 books, which considering we have been waiting for 3 years and 2 months shows considerable restraint on my part.
The chart behind the hat box is a "hundred good wishes" growth chart, a Christmas gift from Mom-mom and Grandad in 2007.
This bunny t-shirt is one of my favorites.

This room used to be a fantastic walk in closet. It has looked like this for almost 3 years now. After our dossier was logged in I wanted to paint it right away so it could air out and she wouldn't breath that new paint smell when she came home. Obviously that turned out to be a non-issue.
Several years ago, before we even thought about adopting, we bought these shutters at an antique store in Bloomington for next to nothing. They sat in our basement for a while until we decided how to use them. We framed them and attached a cork board for our baby's room. We thought this could provide some fun storytelling possibilities. At the top of this picture you can see the pie pan where an old potbelly stove was vented from this room a very long time ago. Our home was built in 1874 so it is interesting to imagine who spent time in this room. Some day I want to try to research our home's history.

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