We missed the Reingdog Parade this year as it was the weekend we were in Bloomington celebrating Christmas.
This next picture is Pilgrim Chapel Sunday December 20th. The McBreen Family was the Holy family for this years pageant, last year it was the Milars. New this year was the addition of the "friendly beasts" which were all dogs dressed as cows, camels and even a dove. This was in memory of Shad who died in June and started the tradition of bringing your dog to church. Some people might think this is irreverent but I do not and it is one of the things I love about this church. The dogs even had their names and owner's name as well as role they were playing mentioned in the church program.
The pageant parade.
Christmas Eve Candlelight service started at 7 PM. We are lucky to have CCM students play and this night we had an excellent violist, pianist and organist. The acoustics are pretty good in this little chapel and so beautiful at the end when the room was only lit by our candles for the final songs.
This morning we made a fire in the kitchen and had lemon blueberry homemade pancakes.
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