This calendar is February 2000.
The month I met my spouse.
A decade ago.
I'm not certain (and neither is he) but we both think it was Saturday February 12, 2000.
So tomorrow we are going to celebrate by going to the View (not the City View, but a new restaurant in Walnut Hills) and then off to the cellar to catch up with neighbors. Going out to dinner Friday night is pretty routine for us.
But we will also be celebrating what we think is a decade since we met.
Here is that story.
December 1999 I bought (with some generous help from my parents) my dream home. Which is now our dream home. I rented this property ( 2 apts) for the first 18 months. To this day we still rent the 1st floor. Anyhow I had a party to celebrate this purchase in February before the first 2nd floor tenants (a vet and her 10 year old triplets) moved in.
It was a dinner party for 28 people. I did not know spouse but he came because my friend Maureen invited him. She did most of the cooking for this party. Ray and Guy helped me bring in tables and chairs since I was having a dinner party in an empty apt. Oh I remember the dishwasher had issues the morning of that party which fortunately for me Richard was able to fix. Thinking about that now I can't believe how much of a catastrophe I thought it would be if I had to clean those dishes by hand. Geez.
Anyhow it was a great party. John was my Euchre partner and I had the most amazing hands dealt that night. That really should have been my sign. But I was having too much fun being hostess to notice. John's "gay-dar" was way off that night too. Which is somewhat amusing. That night becuase of the way Ray and I bickered he thought we were a couple. Ray who arrived and left with Guy and was his typical self that night as well.
Well quite a bit has happened in the last 10 years. John and I started dating after that party. That April John was transferred to Hampton to work at Langley. It is an understatement to say he had the better job but we both knew we wanted to live in Cincinnati and more specifically Mt Adams. John moved back (quitting a great and stable job) to come back 18 months later. We have been married for 7 1/2 years and to this day live in our dream home and ..........we are now waiting on our dream girl to arrive. We believe we will see her picture and know some information about her in 2010 and would love to believe she will be home this year as well. But if not 2010 we believe early 2011.
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