The Asiatic lilies really like this bed and have a nice long bloom period. That rotting old cross tie border is not long for our garden. Hopefully only a couple more months.
Another Asiatic lily picture.

I love this shiny red tulip. I generally like the jewel tone color plants the best.

The azaleas are coming along nicely. Usually this plant is full bloom around Derby time.
I do not know why I like Solomon Seal but I do. It seems to be establishing itself well on the hosta slope.

What is this plant? It can't be some squirrel transplant because it is coming in in 3 strategic spots. Also it can't be caladium but that is the only other plant I remember planting in this bed.
I hope it is not resurrection lily as that and the daylilies are becoming somewhat invasive.
The daylilies are multiplying so fast they bloom less because they need to be thinned so often. Last weekend I build a limestone border to keep them out of the perennial bed.

New daffodil for Spring 2010 in the Black Eyed Susan bed.
This candy tuft has been a good border ground cover for the patio area. We have had many trial and failures in this area.

Yesterday Botanics Joe stopped by with patio paver samples. Here is what we choose. Tumbled brick in red and grey tones. There will also be varying sizes. We still have not finalized the pattern that will be laid.

Also yesterday I ran to Home Depot to get sponges for the Butterfly feeders @ Krohn after my mammogram appt. While I was there I checked out the patio furniture department for ideas. Hopefully we will find something at a good price at the end of the season ... and just in time for a referral party!
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