So after dinner we decided to stop by the Wine Cellar to see who was around and what is going on. The Wine Cellar is sorta everybody's living room and the source for neighborhood happenings. There are some regulars that even seem out of place if they aren't seating in the usual seats. Same is true with church. Anyhow when we walked in last night we saw a few people wearing leis. Seemed sorta festive but not terribly out of place. Then more people poured in wearing luau outfits and leis. First we saw Rob and Mindy who were trying to convince us to come to Sunday night Karaoke (fundraiser for Pilgrim). Then Chuck and Kim came in, followed by Paula and then Richard. Well soon the topic changed to Key West (where we had last seen Chuck and Kim) and then the topic of why we are not members of the Yacht Club. They were all coming from Monk's Cove next door and this month MAYC Luau event.
A little background on this neighborhood social club from their website: http://www.mtadamsyachtclub.com/.
About Us - from the beginning
When 3 guys sit around, have a drink and shoot the breeze, one never knows what may happen. Why, even a yacht club may come about! That's what happened in the winter of'01-'02 when Richard Boyd, Chuck Curran and Cliff Wahl (the three stars in the burgee) started talking about how cool it would be if Mt. Adams could have a yacht club for the few boat owners who live there. They made Chuck go out and buy a boat. Then they realized we didn't have any water or piers in Mt Adams (except for the fountain on the corner of Pavilion and St. Gregory) and that's where the slogan "Pierless in our Own Time" was conceived. So the Mt. Adams Yacht Club idea grew, was incorporated in the State of Ohio, and in June of '03, and organizational meeting was held....
Papers were almost immediately filed with The Yachting Club of America, a yacht club association. Our "home port" would be The Wine Cellar and Mike Ferguson joined immediately. Thanks to Lee Robinson, we now have a ship's bell by the front door Members supply burgees from reciprocal yachting ventures and these burgees can be seen hanging from the walls of the home port, aka, the Wine Cellar in Mt Adams.

Yet we never joined. Our reasons were we aren't joiners, don't need another social excuse, are going to be parents soon, etc. But that changed last night when our friends filled out the form and we mailed our signed application (the commodore, his first mate and a founder) today. Does not really make sense but there you go.
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