Per Rumor Queen looks like CCAA (who is soon to be CCWC) has matched throught March 17, 2006! This is a nice trend that referrals are coming the 1st Monday of every month. This gives us more reason to hope for a 6 month wait!

Today we went tothe Reds Opening Day (v St. Louis) with our friends Statz and Molly. It was a lot of fun even through the Reds lost. The weather was really great. Statz and Molly are 5 years away from being empty nesters and joke that we could switch houses nin 5 years to take advantage of the Wyoming school district.
It was a sold out game (40+ thousand people) and of course the Reds lost.

The Great American building which will be getting it's crowning tiara at the end of this month.
Hinkle garden has really never looked so lovely. These pictures do it no justice but were taken on a walk over the weekend.

Eden Park Mirror Lake.

And the Gazebo.
The power lines were removed on St Gregory street last Thursday. Huge improvement.

The Bradford Pear in bloom on Fort View outside our 2nd floor bedroom.
Another view a little closer to the window.
I love that the neighbors advertise what is happening with their flags. This one on the neighbor across the street (the bagpiper brit who is an investment banker) was up when we returned home last Saturday from Easter lunch with my family in Bloomington.
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