Rumor Queen posted this projection update today. Last week China Adoption Forecast updated their forecast for our LID from 11/20/10 to 11/12/10 referral projection. CAF's rationale is China is matching on average 3.5 days / month and we have 31 days.
I think we will get a referral in September and travel in November. Sooner would be fantastic.
International adoption had some incredibly sad news this past week with the reports that a 7 year old boy was sent back to Russia with a one way ticket and a note by his adoptive mother. The adoptive mother lives in Tennessee and apparently close to Vanderbilt which has an IAC that could very probably have provided the support / help needed. It is heartbreaking to think how this will impact this child and future adoptions. I believe this will change adoption education requirements. The IAC courses we took were optional but we thought important and reassuring.

On a completely unrelated topic the pictures below (taken with my phone this morning) are of 2 new tulips that bloomed in our garden overnight. The first one is in the patio area. The 2nd one is a lily flowering one in the perennial bed.
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